Sex Hormones, Reproductive Aids, and Chinese Medicine

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Chinese medicine is often used to help menstrual, menopausal, contraceptive, and reproductive medical conditions. In addition, several of the drugs used as sex hormones or anti-hormones are used to treat various cancers and other conditions. This seminar examines sex hormones and reproductive aids and the dangers Chinese medical practitioners need to be aware of when combining with herbs and acupuncture. We will look at various types of drugs including androgens, anti-androgens, estrogens, progestins, anti-progestins, as well as selective estrogen receptor modulators and various reproductive aids. Herb-drug and acupuncture-drug interactions will be explored for each type of drug. If you treat various hormonal cancers, severe hormonal conditions, and/or reproductive medicine, this is a must attend seminar.

Course Goals

A participant will be able to:

  1. Understand how sex hormones, reproductive aids, and herbs interact
  2. Identify the most common sex hormones and reproductive aids with potential for drug-herb interactions
  3. Explore how major sex hormones and reproductive aids act on the body
  4. Protect oneself from potential medico-legal issues arising from interactions