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(2 customer reviews)


Sperb’s Herbs – Hops

Hops is a traditional European herb with some interesting uses. And it is a major ingredient in beer. This episode looks at both of these in depth and the science behind them. As a relative non-drinker, I was still fascinated with this exploration of beer. And the herb may have some interesting application to my patients. What more can ask for? So, get a frothy mug o’ beer and join us for this fascinating episode!

Course Goals

A listener will be able to:

  1. Comprehend basic, traditional, and bio- medical information about Hops
  2. Converse about the current scientific evidence about the uses, dangers, and effectiveness of Hops
  3. Understand the history of Hops, especially in the context of its tradition and its modern discovery
  4. Understand and prevent any potential drug-herb interactions

This is California Acupuncture Board (CAB) Category 1 distance education course. For NCCAOM, each episode is a 1 hour PE-CW PDA. This episode is approved by the California Acupuncture Board and NCCAOM for 1 hour of continuing education and PDAs. For further information, please contact Dr. Greg Sperber, CAB CEU Provider #1349, NCCAOM PDA Provider #166669, at DrGreg@IntegrativeMedicineCouncil.org or (619) 881-0029.

Refund Policy: This course may be downloaded as soon as purchased and therefore no refunds are possible.

Picture Information

Credit: Jaroslaw B., CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

2 reviews for Hops

  1. Julie

    Thank you!

  2. Marie

    I have read a lot about hops working on inflammatory pathways and have used it for that myself with good results.

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